Corporate Vision Issue 12 2018
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 12 2018 5 NEWS , STASIS Announces BDO Malta as Statutory Auditor and Cash Reserve Verifier Having been promot- ed from the Head of Sales and Market- ing position, Angela started her new role on 19th November and is respon- sible for the Group’s sales and marketing functions, implement- ing Rangeford’s communications strategies that raise awareness of current and future projects. The addition to the team follows Rangeford’s recent team expan- sion, which saw four new senior members joining the Executive Management Team. Having worked in the housing industry since 1999, Angela has held senior positions with plc, Recently, STASIS announced BDO Malta as its statutory audit partner. BDO Malta will provide interim quarterly and annual statutory audits for STSS Malta Limited. Additionally, they will provide weekly cash reserve verification, up until a pre-agreed point in time — an unprecedent- ed level of third-party verification in the stablecoin space. STASIS now provides EURS token-holders with four streams of reserve verification: daily statements provided by STASIS; weekly cash verification by BDO Malta; interim quarterly and annual statutory audits by BDO Malta; and on-demand access to STASIS’ books for an onboarded partner. STASIS has done everything within its power and control to ensure it brings the highest standard of trustworthiness and confidence to the verification of its reserves, further elevating the EURS token as the most reliable option in a growing stablecoin industry. BDO’s global organisation includes 1,500 offices in 162 countries and territories, which cooperate closely and share the same operating principles and quality standards. As such, the firm offers clients a deep under- standing of local markets and specific industries. Rangeford Holdings appoints New Sales and Marketing Director STASIS announced BDO Malta as its statutory audit partner. “For any industry to succeed in the long run, financial integrity is a must,” said Sam Spiridonov, Audit Partner at BDO Malta. “Sta- blecoins are no exception.” For every EURS stablecoin in circulation, STASIS holds a fiat euro as collateral in the reserves. These reserves allow EURS holders to be confident that the digital asset will maintain price parity with the euro. As such, it is extremely important that the reserves are transparent and routinely verified. “As part of our mission to make cryptocurrency markets safe and accessible for institutional investors, we understand the importance of reducing counter- party risk at every stage of the process,” says Gregory Klumov, CEO of STASIS. “By working with such a well-re- spected firm, we will be able to provide investors with an unrivalled level of confidence in the EURS token. No other EURO stablecoin provider offers such robust verification streams.” STASIS aims to provide institu- tional investors with access to the new digital asset class ush- ered in by cryptocurrencies. The company’s team has deep expe- rience in finance, technology and regulation, including launching the first bitcoin fund in 2012 and working with the Maltese govern- ment to help shape the nation’s virtual currency legislation. private and housing association developers. Her career path has allowed Angela to gain in-depth knowledge of the property market with additional specialism in the retirement living sector. Angela’s experience includes all sales and marketing functions from develop- ment inception to sell out, brand awareness, sales strategies and regulatory compliance. Rangeford continues to work in partnership with Octopus Health- care, a leading UK healthcare property investor, developer and manager of healthcare properties, focused on delivering exception- al healthcare facilities across the UK. Rangeford Holdings, the development company behind modern retirement villages Wadswick Green in Wiltshire and Mickle Hill in North Yorkshire, has appointed Angela McKimmie as the company’s new Sales and Marketing Director
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