Issue 12 2022

Issue 12 2022 19 Oct22504 Most Secure Money Management Company 2022 – Lithuania Established in 2018, Satchel was created to bring the benefits of personalized, more agile, and fullydigital financial services to its private and corporate clients. Following the company’s well-deserved recognition in the programme, we took a closer look at how Satchel has cultivated a strong reputation in the notoriously competitive financial sphere. Today, Satchel is one of the leading EMIs in Lithuania, with a strong presence across Europe due to its best-in-class money management solutions. It goes without saying that the fintech space is one of continuous development, defined by newcomers to the industry utilising their collective experience and expertise to innovate and create on the greater financial landscape. Finance, after all, was dominated for decades by larger companies doing things “as they had always been done.” Innovation wasn’t exactly a term that you could use to describe the industry. That is no longer the case today, however. Start-ups are emerging with innovation built into their core ethos. Dynamism, and clientcentric services are the new normal in finance, with older brick and mortar goliaths finding it difficult to keep the relentless pace towards digitisation. This is where Satchel has really impressed, and gained its initial footing. Over the last four years, Satchel has understood that client needs and expectations have shifted dramatically. They want money management services that work for them, are accessible whenever they need them, and adapt. Clients need simple, easy-to- understand terminology and smart technology to gain the most out of their money and savings. Satchel understands all of this, and moreover, works hard to be the best option for clients in a market that motivates providers to be better than any alternatives. Satchel’s mission is altogether quite simple – to bring flexibility, security and convenience to its clients. Of course, that is easier said than done. The company’s success and growing popularity on the market acts as a powerful testament to its ability to meet these initial goals and has allowed it to move onto a more global financial landscape. On the world stage, it is now utilising its proprietary technology to act as a pacesetter in the financial industry, demanding more client-centric, secure, and innovative solutions from all businesses looking to stay relevant in the financial sphere. With all of this in mind, it’s hard to really encapsulate Satchel’s current place and reputation in the industry. In all regards, its future is one of greater development and innovation, with all the signs pointing to it being one of the global leaders in just a few short years. For now, it enjoys a peerless reputation in Europe as a fintech firm with goals to create a new paradigm shift – which makes it a natural choice for recognition as the ‘Most Secure Money Management Company’ of the year. Satchelpay UAB Website: Telephone: +370 5214 1818 “We don’t just offer services. We guarantee results.”