CV Issue 2 2018
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 13 , MCMAbogados is afirmofMexican lawyers rendering integral legal services specialized in the development, structuring andfinance of oil and gas, energy and infrastructure projects. We profile the firm, whichwas recentlynamed as one of our 2017 Legal Top 100, tofind outmore. Excellence in Energy Law In Mexico, a country where the demands for energy projects are growing exponentially, where the challenge is to make a more productive, dynamic and competitive energy sector in the face of great national and global challenges, it is important that the public and private companies interested in participating in the sector, have the highest level of advice with the knowledge and capacities to give the clients innovative solutions to the challenges they face. MCM Abogados is a boutique law firm, leader in the energy and natural resources sector with a global perspective, integrated by a team of specialists of renowned expertise. The purpose of MCM Abogados is to provide its clients with quality, intense and creative work to solve the legal challenges they face in an effective and efficient manner, and with an excellent response capabilities, always procuring to maintain reasonable costs. Thanks to this range of benefits, the practice is a competitive law firm in a dynamic energy sector in constant growth. Lawyers at MCM Abogados have extensive and unique experience advising domestic and international oil companies in the development and implementation of projects in Mexico, including the new projects for the exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons in its different rounds. As such, the firm one of the most active in this type of incentive-based projects with Pemex Exploración y Producción, and the practice is currently advising a successful bidder in the implementation of the project for production of hydrocarbons and the financing thereof. Additionally, MCM Abogados has provided legal advice to several clients in the development of renewable energy projects (i.e. wind farms, photovoltaic and hydroelectric), including the different areas involved in such projects: corporate structure, governmental permits and authorizations, right of way, environmental compliance, preparation and negotiation of contracts and implementation of the project. The firm has an experienced team to advise national and foreign companies to invest in Mexico in the generation of electricity and in the development and financing of renewable energy projects. Within the project financing space, MCM Abogados has assisted several sponsors, as well as multilateral financing institutions and commercial banking in both project finance and structured financing. The members of MCM Abogados have broad experience in international finance transactions, such as loan and financial lease agreements, among other financial transactions, as well as in the design, negotiation, execution and closing of onshore and offshore security packages. The team can also assist with anti-bribery matters, and its services in this area are focused on the detection, prevention and risk handling of the client regarding corrupt practices, involving activities such as due diligence, training, interviews and the implementation of internal programs and guidelines in anti- bribery cases. Another key aspect of the firm’s service offering is its work providing legal assistance in important concentration reports originated from mergers & acquisitions related to the oil industry, which require a deep analysis of the market and its different participants, to be notified and authorized by the antitrust authorities in Mexico. In addition, the members of the firm are practitioners in civil, commercial and administrative litigation in the oil and infrastructure sectors in Mexico, participating jointly with the client in the risks identification, strategy design, negotiation and dispute resolution, either by alternative means of dispute resolution or litigation. Likewise, MCM Abogados has provided legal advice in national and international arbitrations and conciliation procedures before governmental entities, including Pemex. The firm has also been involved in disputes among competitors in the oil field service industry in Mexico. As part of the added value provided to its clients, and due to the firm’s high involvement in 1711CV27 the sector, MCM Abogados has constantly served as a direct link between investors, as a consortium lawyer, promoting the creation of associations and alliances in areas like fracking, oilfield operation, co-investments in drilling and oilfield maintenance equipment and technology, among others. Overall, MCM Abogados offer a vast array of services that ensures it acts as a one-stop-shop for all its clients’ energy sector legal needs. Owing to its team’s participation in some of the most important projects of the national energy sector, the firm continues to expand its highly successful practice in the areas and subjects which now account for the country’s most significant projects, such as water, urban waste and environment sectors, trains, roads and public-private partnerships, as well as in the development of projects focused on the energy industry, including oil and gas, electricity and renewable energy. Moving forward, MCM Abogados will continue to build upon their current experience to ensure ongoing success for both the practice and its valued clients. Company: MCM Abogados Contact: Manuel Cervantes Address: Av. Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma No. 39, Oficina 8 Col., Paseo de las Lomas, 1330, Mexico Phone: 0052 55 1664 6378 Website:
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