CV Issue 2 2018
14 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 , Actualize Consulting is a professional services firmwho specialise in business process engineering and technology implementations for financial institutions. Recently, we sat downwith Chief Operating Officer (COO), Kerry AlisonWekelo who revealed to us the secrets behind both the firm’s success as well as her very own. Accountability, Acumen, and Aspiration Established in 2003, Actualize Consulting specialises in business process engineering and technology implementations for financial institutions. Having officers in New York and northern Virginia (both of which are key financial areas), the firm are able to maintain a firm grasp on the everchanging pulse of the Capital Markets, Treasury, Mortgage and Fixed Income areas. Beginning this interview, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Kerry Alison Wekelo starts by providing an overview of the company, as well as the market that is operates in. “At Actualize Consulting, our mission is to be an industry leader in the management and automation of financial functions and corporate financial events. We place a strong focus on serving mortgage firms, banks, corporates, insurance companies, and other financial institutions as well as Federal and State Government. Our consultants have extensive experience in the field and are accustomed to the challenges involved in working in demanding atmospheres. “Also, we offer expertise in creating and maintaining corporate culture that leads firms to thrive and become sought-after workplaces.” Focusing more on individual accomplishments, we ask Kerry to explain her responsibilities as COO, her leadership style as well as the key attributes that helped to shape her success. “In my role, I manage all the internal operations of the firm. My leadership style is very hands on, empowering each person to focus on their aspirations, skills, and gifts as they align with our firm’s goals. I model open communication and valuing of individual and team relationships, teaching and expecting other employees to do the same. This keeps energy and creativity flowing freely throughout the firm, which in turn results in greater efficiency and productivity. “The key to my success is the diversity of my skills, the integrity of my approach, and a positive attitude that seeks to identify the best in people and situations. Growing up in a family business and then establishing a career in consulting, I have the attitude that there is always a way. “Below are some specific attributes that continue to shape my success: • Proactive • Consistent and effective communicator • People centric • Customer focused • Intuitive leader • Active listener • Excellent time manager • Go above and beyond • Extremely well organized • Resourceful under pressure “When I first started working for Actualize Consulting, I thought I could compartmentalise my personal life and my work while maintaining distinct cultures in both worlds. After a while, I found that I showed up differently for each section of my life; my puzzle pieces did not match, and I was drained. When I discovered that the same principles I was applying in my personal life could translate to my corporate life as well, everything shifted and started to flow; I was infusing the principles I strove for into all areas of my life, and I had more 1711CV17 capacity than I ever thought possible. It is this experience and discovery that fuels the centre of my leadership and my desire to share this way of being and leading with other firms.” With such strong leadership that Kerry demonstrates, it is no wonder that those who work for Actualize Consulting are key attribute to the company’s success. Kerry goes into detail about the culture with the company, and the key principles the firm adheres to. “The culture of our company is one of holistic wellness, where employees are inspired to be their best selves. Thriving organisational culture is actually our focus. So much so that I just launched a Culture Infusion service offering and book. Over the years, we have focused on our people first and implemented programs to improve our corporate culture. We infuse our culture with principles and practices that constantly reinforce that our people come first. With the new service offering, we are training all our internal staff on what we have already implemented at Actualize, and
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