CV Issue 2 2018

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 33 When Personalities Work Well Together, Technology Runs More Smoothly g internal culture benefits Pegasus, talking us through the stringent hiring structure, and the value that he and the team place on company employees and clients. “Ultimately, we put a high value on keeping the experienced staff we have and are always looking for ways to include them and recognize their accomplishments. Some of the ways we accomplish this is through ongoing training, involving staff in the company vision, and providing practical benefits like work from home policy, company vehicles, and many other personal benefits. This equates to high employee retention which the minimizes the need to hire, except to match company growth. When hiring is required, we vet first for attitude, eagerness to learn and grow with the company, and the ability to break down and solve problems efficiency. With these attributes present, we hire to the skill and experience level needed.” Contact: Matthew D. Tucker Address: 425 McFarlan Road, Suite 201, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, 19348, USA Phone: 001 610.444.8256 Website: www.