Corporate Vision Issue 2 2019
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2019 5 NEWS , MediaTek, a global fa- bless semiconductor company that enables 1.5 billion connected devices a year, and Autotalks, a world leader in V2X (Vehicle to Everything) communi- cation solutions, are cooperating on integrating V2X and telematics. As part of the cooperation, the two companies have completed a joint reference design for Telematics Control Unit (TCU) integrated with a global V2X chipset. The refer- ence design is based on Autotalks’ global V2X chipset and MediaTek’s newest technology, an automo- tive-grade cellular modem SoC, en- abling a secure, robust and cost-ef- fective global TCU architecture. The joint design can serve as a reference to car-makers and Tier-1s for an optimal, cyberse- cure and flexible telematics unit integrated with physically isolated global V2X chipset to ensure do- main separation between safety (V2X) and Telematics (Vehicle to Network - V2N) domains. In terms of technological versa- tility, Autotalks’ and MediaTek’s solution is global and offers a sin- gle configurable platform support- ing both DSRC and C-V2X/LTE- V2X. Separating the telematics unit from the NAD yields flexibility and benefits in terms of cyberse- curity: an attack on the NAD does not propagate to V2X and the physical isolation helps simplify the certification process. Delivering an Optimal, Cybersecure and Flexible Outcome consent for every single partner they work with. With the average app having over 15 partners inte- grated, operationally it is difficult to implement without causing serious disruption to their users’ experience. Furthermore, the majority of consent notices today force users to consent rather than giving them a clear and ex- plicit choice to opt in or out. This leads to a lack of consumer trust, long term business loss, and the risk of a hefty regulatory fine. Ogury Consent Manager, a regis- tered IAB Consent Management Provider (CMP) and fully GDPR compliant, streamlines this pro- cess for publishers by combining all consent notices from every demand and supply partner, technology solution, as well as every tracking and analytics pro- vider into one convenient place. Therefore, users are shown just one consent notice, providing them with a clear and informed choice to share or withdraw their data. Establishing a relationship of trust, minimizing disruption to user experience and assuring regulatory compliance. “Ogury Consent Manager has been the quickest and easiest way for us to meet GDPR guide- lines for our European based us- ers,” said Mo Rahim, Founder of London Transport Planner. “The solution offers unique customiza- tion and reporting options via the online dashboard. We haven’t found a free solution that comes close to Ogury Consent Manager in features and simplicity. We thank the support team for their valuable assistance in answering all of our questions and facilitat- ing integration.” Benefits of Ogury Consent Man- ager for Publishers: • Compliance guaranteed, whilst maintaining revenue. Ogury was built with GDPR at its core and has been collecting user consent since its very beginning in 2014. This insight feeds AI to optimize user acceptance rate, enabling publishers to continue maximizing their revenue potential. • Built for mobile and com- pletely free for iOS, Android MediaTek’s automotive-grade cellular modem SoC supports the operating temperature required by the automotive industry, and assures automatic emergency call (eCall) reliable operation even in extreme environmental condi- tions. It provides data protection, best-in-class connectivity for tele- matics applications and a highly integrated design for reduced system complexity, lower design costs and a smaller form factor. “Autotalks is glad to join forces with MediaTek for designing the future TCU architecture,” ex- plained Ram Shallom, Autotalks’ VP of Business Development and Marketing in Asia-Pacific. “Our joint reference design will answer the growing market need for a cybersecure and cost-effec- tive Telematics platform with V2X, ahead of the deployment timeline of global automakers.” “Our newest automotive-grade cellular modem SoC, has integrat- ed security for Telematics data protection along with a built-in application processor, so original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can introduce more easily inno- vative secure services and appli- cations to market,” said JC Hsu, corporate Vice President at Medi- aTek. “Through our collaboration with Autotalks, who delivers the most cybersecure global V2X con- nectivity, drivers and passengers can stay safe and securely con- nected when they are on the go.” Autotalks and MediaTek cooperate to help car makers and tier-1s integrate C-V2X and telematics securely and efficiently. and mobile web. Available within Ogury’s dynamic SDK, publishers can access Ogury Consent Manager alongside Ogury Intelligent Monetiza- tion and Active Insights with one simple SDK integration. • Customized consent notice to match a publisher’s brand. Publishers can add their logo and change colors within an easy-to-use self-service dashboard, part of Ogury MJM Cloud. • Monitor consent metrics over time. Publishers can keep an eye on what’s working via the monitoring dashboard which tracks users consent metrics over time and provides a detailed view of impressions and user activity. “Ogury was built with user consent at its heart, long before GDPR was created,” said Jean Canzoneri, co-founder and co- CEO of Ogury. “We believe it’s important to build a trusting rela- tionship with users and by devel- oping Ogury Consent Manager we have been able to give our publishers the ability to establish that relationship of trust as well. Our product helps publishers manage complex regulations while establishing user trust and maintaining user experience and overall revenue.” “Ogury’s goal is to help busi- nesses move into the era of data transparency and user choice. We want to help publishers create a dialogue of transparent value exchange with users. This is why we will be releasing a new capability in Consent Manager named “Fair Choice”. Fair Choice goes one step further than simply giving users the choice to share or withhold their data by intro- ducing a third-option to pay a fair price in exchange for a market- ing-free experience, without data sharing.” With this new capability, giving users the choice to decide how to pay to access quality content, Ogury continues to reinvent the way digital marketing is conduct- ed to restore and reinforce user trust, an indispensable ingredient in the long-term prosperity of the digital ecosystem.
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