Issue 4 2019

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 4 2019 21 , Mar19224 Perchwas created with a transformational vision for the physical retail industry. Following his success of being selected in the Corporate Excellence Awards 2019 as theMost Influential CEO of the Year 2019 - Visual Merchandising, we caught up with Trevor Sumner, who provided us with a detailed insight into the innerworkings of Perch and how they consistently deliver exceptional results. Pioneers In Physical + Digital Marketing Established in 2012, Perch is the in-store retail marketing plat- form that can detect what products custom- ers are touching to respond with product-specific digital messaging and marketing applications. The firm’s embedded IoT tech- nology unites digital content with physical products, which delivers highly personalized prod- uct marketing that drives customer engagement and 30-80% sales lift – whilst creating a magical experience for customers. As the pioneers in Physical + Digital mar- keting, Trevor begins by going into further detail about the innovative services the team at Perch pro- vides to their impressive clientele. “Here at Perch, we have the patent on using computer vision and other sensing technologies to detect and react to in-store shopper behavior - specifically around how customers touch and pickup products. By merging Physical shopping with Digital media, we link together the best of both worlds, combining the serendipity of shopping with the rich information and experiences we can only otherwise find online.” Allowing the firm to deliver such an award-winning product, is the creative, inventive and talented team which forms the backbone of Perch. When discussing the internal culture, Trevor is keen to highlight how the combination of the dedicated team and his award-winning leadership skills have formed a partnership which is reimagining the retail store experience based on merging the Physical + Digital. “Any successful CEO will tell you the team is everything. My job as CEO is to enable our amazing team in a servant leadership mod- el. They are the ones working with clients, developing the innovations and out-executing the competition. My job is three-fold: to hire great people, guide the strategy and make sure that we are capitalized to let them realize the opportunity.” Bringing the interview to a close, Trevor signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipe- line for the firm, touching in how the firm hope to expand both their service and insight to create some- thing which could potentially shape the way companies in the industry approach visual merchandizing. “Looking ahead, we are in the pro- cess of making a big move into our next generation of advanced retail analytics in 2019. It’s amazing how little visibility brands and retailers have into middle-of-the-funnel shopper behavior. Ultimately, we think that such insight and auto optimization will be ground break- ing and fundamentally change the way the industry approaches visual merchandizing.”