Issue 4 2020
Welcome to the April edition of Corporate Vision magazine. As always, we aim to bring you all of the latest news and features from across the global corporate landscape. It would be safe to say that the world of business is practically at a standstill, with industries facing what was previously considered an impossible situation. We’ve had seemingly unstoppable firms face difficult choices, as they plan and decide on how best to continue. For many, it has (and will continue to be) a baptism of fire. But, that’s not to say that there isn’t any reason to still celebrate successes, because – let’s be clear here – there are still things to celebrate. Arguably, now more than ever, we need those successes to remind us that this situation is not normal and while it may take some time to recover, recover we shall. For now, let us keep positive and focused. In the meantime, I hope you all stay safe and well. Corporate Vision will be here to deliver the latest features for the future of better business. Laura Brookes, Senior Editor Phone: +44 (0) 203 970 0082 Email: l.brooke
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