Issue 7 2023

May23545 Rethinking How And Where Products Are Manufactured Bright Machines is a technology company transforming manufacturing with intelligent automation. By approaching factory automation with a software-first approach, assembly lines and their robotic cells are now flexible, cost-effective, and intelligent with data. Global and local production visibility is available for all factories – both company and third-party sourced.Production is shifted from a reactive to a proactive state through in-stream data analytics designed to detect errors in the assembly process before products get to test as well as improving first-pass yield outcomes and capturing previously unavailable data for pattern analysis. Product traceability and genealogy signatures are automatically captured, and Bright Machines’ recipes and skills software tools manage assembly flow, navigation, and inspection capabilities enabling rapid SKU to change out during shifts, plus a fast adaptation of the assembly process and robotic skills required for new product introductions. Real-time alerting and process resiliency create a proactive production environment for addressing supplier component defects, and/or design for automation inefficiencies. Bright Machines’ customers are innovators in their fields including high-growth markets for Energy Storage, Enterprise IT (servers, storage, and networking), and Automotive Electronics manufacturers. With Bright Machines, customers transform factory operations to achieve increased efficiency, higher quality, line adaptability, and new sources of data to inform operations, while, reducing perunit assembly costs. Learn more about why they have been recognized as the Most Outstanding Manufacturing Automation Technology Start-up for 2023. In 2018, a group of industry veterans saw a unique opportunity to rethink manufacturing by leveraging a software-first approach. The group founded Bright Machines with a vision to empower manufacturers with intelligent solutions that aim to transform factories into data-driven businesses that provide a resilient and scalable future. Bright Machines’ core mission is to transform how and where companies make products through intelligent automation capabilities. By implementing Bright Machines’ full-stack software-led, assembly automation, customers are increasing product quality, and units per hour, while reducing per-unit assembly costs and expensive scrap losses across their factories. Bright Machines’ approach applies machine learning, computer vision, edge, and cloud architectures to provide a modern, and adaptable platform, replacing the hard-wired and complex automation systems commonly in use today. Software-enabled building blocks powered by the Brightware® Platform, enable Bright Machines’ Microfactories, to be quickly configured to form flexible, scalable, assembly lines. Microfactories allow manufacturers to ramp up production yield while providing the flexibility for rapid product SKU switch outs during shifts, as well as new product introductions on the line, seamlessly. Technical capabilities of the system include end-toend traceability, high resolution vision location for pick and place, and modular integration for expanding or contracting factory layouts. Bright Machines software library of assembly recipes includes instructions for vision guided alignment and incorporates Bright Machines Smart Skills library to enable rapid line re-configuration for product change-over during shifts and for new product introductions. Bright Machines’ assembly lines are data-centric, collecting performance, cycle time, and parametric test data as examples, during each step of the assembly process. Metrics for operational efficiency analysis, supplier performance, component quality assurance, and defects analysis are captured as products move down the assembly line. Data supporting end-to-end product traceability is logged automatically and accurately, with data collected at each step of the assembly process. Data is captured by cell and line, within shifts for local analysis, and unified across teams and production sites, for emergent pattern analysis in KPIs among other uses. In addition to automating assembly, Bright Machines helps manufacturers participate in the circular economy, including the use of data to track and document the genealogy of products from production to disassembly & re-purposing. Bright Machines customers are innovators in their industries. Together they are transforming product assembly to address the competitive and economic challenges of today while enabling their factories and production teams to prepare for the future ahead. Headquartered in San Francisco, Bright Machines operates R&D and Field Operation Centres in San Francisco, Tel Aviv, and Guadalajara, with additional support globally. Rethink everything you know about manufacturing with Bright Machines. Visit Company Name: Bright Machines Contact Name: Kate Holm Web Address: Contact Email: [email protected]