Corporate Vision January 2017

90 CORPORATE VISION / January 2017 , Virtual College is the UKs leading full service online training partner, offering a third generation learningmanagement system, an extensive online off-the-shelf course library and bespoke elearning development. We invited Peter Hilliard from the firm to tell us more. Learning Made Simple For the last twenty years Virtual College has been at the forefront of developing collaborative, customer focused e-learning, supplying over 5000 organisations across the UK, from the NHS to local sandwich shops. Ensuring clients receive the solutions they need is the firm’s top priority, as Peter explains. “Here at Virtual College, our number one aim is to make sure we help our customers make a real, measurable difference to their organisations performance. We work very hard to make sure that we deliver learning and development services that will make a real difference to our customer’s organisations. “Every member of our team delivers this by living our five company values – customer focus, collaboration, innovation, integrity and passion. These encourage us to really understand our customers and their business with the aim of forming mutually beneficial partnerships.” Throughout the elearning market, whether an organisation is looking to deploy a Learning Management System (LMS), roll out off the shelf training or develop a completely bespoke training solution, understanding their goals and challenges are key. As such communication and dedication to excellence are vital, and Peter believes that the key to achieving these is having a strong team of dedicated staff. “At the heart of our success is our people; their combination of collaborative account and project management, passionate customer service and our key values of integrity and innovation, means we never stop trying to exceed expectations of customers and learners alike.” In his concluding comments Peter outlines the exciting plans his firm has to grow and expand in order to build upon its current success. “Moving forward, we are aiming to achieve the target of 20 million learners accessing training via our Learning Management System, Enable, by 2020. We have a three major strategic themes to help us achieve this. We want to promote lifelong learning by offering a free ‘personal learning vault’, expand our effective overseas network through strategic partnerships and become the UK’s number one online provider in our chosen vocational areas.” TI16188 K Company: Virtual College Name: Peter Hilliard Email: [email protected] Web Address: Telephone: 01943 60 976