Oil and Gas Awards 2020
Simon added, “The third layer was critical to protect against the most common barriers to escape, namely blood loss and burns, which are a major contributor to the rapid onset of shock in any situation”. The World Health Organisation (WHO) report that an estimated 370,000 deaths occur annually across the world due to unplanned immersions in open water. By setting a new standard for protective gear, Iron Ocean hope to see these numbers diminish, saying: “Every day, people end up in situations they don’t want to be in, but they need to survive. For example, helicopter wreckages can be fatal: you can go into cardiac arrest from the numbing temperatures of the water, all while tackling the sharp debris around you. If you are able to remain warm for the length of time it takes to send out a rescue party, more searches would be for survivors and not for bodies. This is where our products come into a league of their own”. “Garments containing goose down and wool have led the market for years, but these are unable to perform to the standards required to retain heat when wet, which limits their collective effectiveness in emergency situations. Immersion suits leak and we have gone to extreme lengths to ensure protection within the offshore industry when a person needs that protection the most”. As demand has soared for high-performing garments, the company began restructuring to accommodate multiple market sectors. The performance sport and activity range will be branded as “Iron Motion”, and will create advanced garments for athletes, thrill-seekers and enthusiasts alike. Most Iron Motion products are made from CARFIBEX due to its rapid-drying and moisture- controlling properties, with the range offering unisex colour options within the collection. With avid interest from international military and law enforcement communities, the company will look to develop specific technical products under newly proposed sub-brand, “Iron Faction”. The release of the Centurion 3, along with products tailored to the sub-brands of the company, have currently been put on hold due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. With production of these garments paused until further notice, the company was forced to look at new directions to avoid slowing down. Simon has now added a life science division to the company, called Iron Lotion, specifically to join the fight against COVID-19. “Right now, COVID-19 has made it hard to see anything else,” Mr Lamont explains. “We are in unprecedented times, families have been torn apart by the loss of loved ones, broken by the pain of not being able to say goodbye. Our collective freedoms have been massively restricted, businesses are going into administration at a dramatic scale. “I founded Iron Ocean to save lives in significantly hostile environments. I founded the sub-brands to promote life along with health and well-being. Sitting idly by as the world fights against a global pandemic is not in our nature. Within weeks of this virus, we began research and development on a brand-new hand sanitiser to join this fight.” The new sub-brand, Iron Lotion, will be the commercial vehicle for the company’s new hand sanitiser composition “VIRIUM” (meaning “Force” in Latin). The company’s scientific research team, headed by Professor David Bucknall, Chief Scientific Officer at Iron Ocean and Chair of Chemistry at the Heriot-Watt University, have been working to make VIRIUM a reality - another innovation by founder, Simon Lamont. “Our new composition VIRIUM is an anti-bacterial and anti-viral moisturising hand sanitiser and the first product within the Iron Lotion family. VIRIUM is engineered to kill a far wider range of bacterial and viral contaminants than conventional hand sanitisers in order to significantly reduce the risk of infection.” Further to the anti-viral and anti-bacterial protection, VIRIUM also includes premium moisturising and hydrating agents akin to luxury cosmetic products to protect the skin and reduce dryness and irritation. The rapidly drying formula absorbs and protects the skin for longer, ensuring lasting protection against even the most resilient bacteria and viruses, such as COVID-19. Once international licencing and protection is in place, production of the new brand of hand sanitiser will commence allowing commercialisation within months. Our Motto is: ‘Bravery by Design’ - we do not hesitate to push the boundaries of innovation and we do not hesitate to protect those in need with our technology.” “ A police woman with the brand-new hand sanitiser produced by Iron Ocean
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