Elliniki Agogi’s educational efforts encourage the learning of the Ancient Greek language, history and philosophy in order to empower oneself in the modern world. Indeed, it is the belief of this educational institution for children and adults that knowledge of the past helps to give oneself better footing in the contemporary world, as pupils can see a throughline of development from ancient times to the 21st century. This is especially true when it comes to Ancient Greece. With so much of its language, culture, values, texts, and infrastructure influencing modern Greece – and the modern world in the macro scale – Elliniki Agogi hopes to foster a sense of appreciation and renewed wonder in its pupils for the ancient wisdom that shaped the Western World. With the principles of integrity, patience, care, and endless passion fuelling the creation of its curriculum, it will always strive for the utmost honesty towards its clients. Critically, it is not here to upsell or promote, but simply to educate. It doesn’t promote anything in products or classes that it doesn’t believe in, and constantly challenges itself to be better, something it is pleased to say has been hugely directed by its incredible student body. Indeed, having collaborated with Professors from Cambridge and Oxford University, as well as the Academy Vivarium Novum in Italy, its founder’ s mantra is ‘ever to excel, to do better than others’, following Glaucus’ words in Homer’s Iliad. Thus, all its people champion this attitude as the core driving force behind the institute. These impeccable educators share their knowledge with enthusiasm. With student focused classes, they make sure that each individual student is treated according to his/her learning ability. Elliniki Agogi’s good name has been secured by the hard work of its people. Additionally, having been open for three decades as of next year and now with almost 500 students learning in its physical facility and through its online platform, it is proud to have cultivated such an extended network of Ancient Greek language and culture aficionados that growing even more is a one-way street. Planning to transfer the Classical Greek language and culture to the students of the Greek diaspora in the US and Canada, Elliniki Agogi promises to ‘keep flying high’, taking itself and its students to ever greater heights. Company: Elliniki Agogi Contact: Eugenia Manolidou Website: ellinikiagogi.gr Best Ancient Greek Education Provider 2022 - Southeast Europe Being a small private school, Elliniki Agogi has developed a reputation as an exemplary provider of personable, empathic, and holistic education for children and adults. Having been in operation since the early 90s, this establishment has been built on the pillars of cultivating curiosity, fostering cultural appreciation and generating a respect for history, allowing the shaping of young people’s minds towards classical education. Photo credit: Lefteris Partsalis - XINHUA