Canadian Business Awards 2023

Charting Champions is an online premier coaching program that helps physicians find their most simple solutions to getting home with the day’s work completed, allowing them to make the most of their free time. We talk more with its CEO, Dr Sarah Smith, to find out more following its win in the Canadian Business Awards 2023. Charting Champions is a comprehensive solution for physicians who need practical assistance for their everyday endeavours. It is a digital executive coaching program that offers the opportunity to discover sustainable work life balance. Dr Sarah Smith built Charting Champions after having experienced the difficulties faced by many physicians on a daily basis. “After 15 years in medicine, I still couldn’t figure out how to get the work of the day done and there were no programs to help me”. Sarah took it upon herself to find a solution that meant she could enjoy her evenings and weekends feeling accomplished and is now dedicated to helping others in the industry that are struggling. To accomplish this Sarah has put together a team of physicians who have the additional certification as life coaches with specialization in charting and the challenges of the clinical day. It is lived experiences that mean that Sarah and her team are able to provide support from an understanding of the true demands of a day as a physician. “There are good evidence-based articles that life coaching and executive coaching help Physicians improve their quality of life, reduce burnout and improve their job satisfaction”, says Sarah. Charting Champions has the vision to help physicians create sustainable clinical medicine and make time for their lives right now, so they can experience a better balance. Sarah adds, “The program is specifically designed to help physicians create time for their lives outside of medicine and get the work of the day done within the clinical day, sustainably. We are excited to be helping physicians, even when the healthcare system is struggling.” The support provided by the program includes 1:1 coaching that happens within the six live group charting coaching calls every month. Sarah shares, “The opportunity to get specific help means that a wide range of physicians are finding success within the Charting Champions Program - family doctors, emergency department physicians, paediatricians, physiatrists, pulmonologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and many more.” For extra support Charing Champions also “provides an expert coach every month in addition to the charting coaching calls to address topics such as patient access, leadership skills, burnout, trauma mitigation, stress management and many more,” Sarah highlights. Charting Champions is the first coaching program that directly addresses the unique challenges that physicians face in the workplace. Recently, Charting Champions has been recognized by the Canadian business awards 2023 for the Most Innovative Physician Specific Coaching 2023. Sarah has not only built a business but also a society as she shares, “One of the most valuable parts of the program is the community. It is really lonely when you are struggling under the weight of the paperwork and administration burden of your clinical day, if you are behind in your documentation or feel like the work is never done. Having a community of your peers who understand you and are encouraging you in your pursuit of change is inspiring. Connection is a valuable tool in helping heal from burn-out.” Through supporting physicians manage their paperwork and administration, Charting Champions has not only made improvement within their client’s workplace, but it has also helped better their quality of life outside of work. Contact: [email protected] Company: Charting Champions (Legal name: Reach Career Coaching Inc) Web Address: Dec22168 Most Innovative Physician Specific Coaching 2023: Dr Sarah Smith - Canada