Issue 5 2022 25 Mar22615 Hushing the Overwhelm in Business Jo Jones struggled with severe anxiety and burnout when she was younger, which spurred her on to create a business that delivers the compassionate and useful help she needed back then. HushTherapy was set up in 2012 to help people find a little ‘hush’ in their busy lives. And indeed it does, for which it has achieved the title of Most Influential Therapeutic Coaching & Wellness Practice 2022 – UK. We got in touch with Jo to learn more about how her business helps people. We all know that modern life is incredibly hectic, and the truth is that, whilst we recognise that pace at which we move, we seldom appreciate the insidious toll that it takes on our brain and body, until something goes wrong. So, HushTherapy was originally designed to offer a range of relaxing services, beginning with reiki and mindfulness meditation-led services, with a practical, real-world delivery style. Jo tells us, “I help people, predominately businesswomen, who are stuck in full-throttle mode, yet feel they aren’t quite where they want to be; perhaps experiencing overwhelm, anxiety, burnout, confusion, sleeplessness, PTSD, business-block, and fatigue within their lives or their businesses.” A large percentage of HushTherapy’s clients are acquired through recommendation. Jo says, “I absolutely love connecting with new people to have a brave, kind conversation about what their big or expensive problem is and then help them to construct a workable vision of their world, without it.” She continues, “I’m very lucky because my specific offering of solid business experience and therapy qualifications means that potential competitors aren’t really an issue for me. A unique selling point used to be enough in a crowded marketplace; a cyclone vacuum cleaner was once a game-changer, now there are numerous bag-less alternatives in competition. I instead work on my ESP, my emotional selling point; clients are attracted by my human quality and the depth of understanding on offer, in an arena that often ignores the advantages of mental wellness and therapeutic coaching. Over the years, the business has evolved as a direct result of requests from Jo’s clients. She listened to what they wanted, what they needed, and actually asked for; as a result, her offering has grown into a unique combination of evidence-led therapy and coaching approaches through her TheraCoaching® service. TheraCoaching® offers a mindful, bespoke, rapid, and cost-effective way of moving you forward in your life or business, using ‘ick-free’ therapy techniques, mindfulness, cutting-edge neuroscience, and sound coaching tools. Underlying all of HushTherapy’s work are core values of ‘human’, ‘useful’, ‘simple’, and ‘heart’. ‘Human’ is about meeting people where they are and finding out what it is that they really need. What will make a ‘needle-moving’ difference for them? ‘Useful’ is that every service and product needs to be useful before it is anything else – practical, tangible, accessible, and inclusive. ‘Simple’, because sometimes we can overcomplicate pretty much everything in life, especially our thinking. It has always been Jo’s aim to help people work through brain blocks and mind loops, to gain clarity and mental peace, in order to make decisions that work for them. ‘Heart’ comes with the thinking that ‘love’ is a very under-utilised word in the corporate world, and yet, everything people set out to achieve in their businesses can be linked back to love, in a very real way. Whether that’s ‘loving the chase’, or the thrill of expansion, or a lifestyle business that works to give you more quality time with your loved ones. Jo says, “When we gain mental clarity, we make better decisions that enable us to create a life and business we love… and that love us back!” Jo explains, “These core values might not be what you would expect to find in business, however, they are there because in my 20+ years of owning and running businesses, and then coaching wonderful people in theirs, I have so frequently found that humanity, usefulness, simplicity, and heart get overlooked – when we reconnect with those touchstones, incredible things begin to happen.” While there is still the residual stigma that surrounds mental health, human struggling, and asking for help, there does seem to be much more awareness within the corporate world today for nurturing staff. Often, the people at the top are under-resourced in terms of meaningful support for them as a person – Jo hears it on a daily basis. So it is her aim to respect, support, encourage, and empower the wonderful clients she works with, to find mindful solutions that truly work for them. She observes that mindfulness will the next big shift in business, with the clinical evidence to support this growing around the world. Now, Jo is focused on the future, sharing with us, “Over the coming years, I hope to create mindful business communities where people feel a sense of belonging, respect, inspiration, and connection with shared humanity. For 2022/23, changing the shape of things one client at a time is proving very successful indeed. I tune into the immense gratitude I feel, daily, that I am able to serve people in this way.” Check out Jo’s Facebook group where women can enjoy useful daily mindset insight for life and business: Company: Hush Therapy - TheraCoaching Contact: Jo Jones Email: [email protected] Website: