Corporate Vision December 2017

12 CORPORATE VISION / December 2017 , Claire Debney is the founder and principal of Luminopex, a consultancy focused on creating, building and delivering change programs in the legal profession. Claire talks to us about Luminopex and her commitment tomentoring and coaching in her consulting work. Illuminating Pathways to Transformative Change Claire is an unusual blend of lawyer, mentor and coach. A dual-qualified lawyer with an impressive background as a senior corporate lawyer, practicing for 20 years in the UK and Australia, including for FTSE 20 UK company, Reckitt Benckiser and Fortune 100 US company, Gillette. She brings a learned and measured approach to managing teams and a deep understanding of in-house legal life, enhanced by her qualifications as an Executive Coach and Gallup StrengthsFinder coach. In 2016, Claire formed Luminopex to help drive and support change in the legal profession. From personal experience, Claire had found that many transformation programs are focused on the process, often at the expense of the people. She saw this as a fundamental flaw, as people are the foundation for any transformation. They need to feel a connection to what is being proposed, have a voice in what is being built and a role in building that future. They are the emotional heart at the core of what is being created. Without it, the disconnection is real. It is through this lens that she approaches all her consulting work be it full-scale transformation projects, through to keynote speeches to coaching and mentoring for individuals and teams. “Coaching conversations are critical for individuals, for teams and for the organisation as a whole to be able to maintain engagement and deliver any transformation successfully. Coaching provides the tools to address fears, anxieties as well embrace the opportunities created through change. Strengths coaching, in particular, gives you the language to live the life you were meant to. It recognises the uniqueness of every individual and that an individual’s strength lies in their talents.” Claire has found that those she coaches have often sensed their talents but have never been able to name them and use them intentionally. “Strengths coaching helps them discover what they naturally do best. It shows them how special they are and how to succeed by turning their talents into strengths.” Strengths coaching is not just for individuals. Rarely do we work in isolation and entirely independently all the time. It is an important tool for exploring the dynamics of working together in teams, by recognising and harnessing the collective talents of the team, as well as identifying key partnerships that are essential to individual and team performance. It unlocks the power within and gives teams clarity of thought and purpose. A passionate advocate for learning, developing others and paying it forward, Claire also co-founded Mosaic, the pro-bono mentoring program for in-house lawyers in the UK. Mosaic, which stands for Mentoring Opportunities Shared Amongst In-House Counsel, was founded to meet a need for the in-house legal community to have access to cross-industry mentoring. While law firms provide many opportunities for structured guidance, this is lacking in-house, often due to flat structures, small teams and a focus on the company rather than the department. Many organisations are also facing pressure on their development budgets. The 1711CV22 opportunity to be mentored by someone independent can be enormously beneficial to both mentor and mentee. Since its pilot in 2014, Mosaic has expanded rapidly and now includes over 90 pairs across more than 50 organisations. It also offers networking and soft skill events three times a year to give participants access to new ideas and opportunities. Claire is herself a mentor to three mentees in the program. Claire’s current work includes building pod, a transformation program for the global legal department of 180+ people at Shire, a FTSE 20 rare disease pharmaceutical company. pod stands for people, operations and development; these three pillars of interdependence. People focuses on career planning, competencies and creating opportunities. Operations is about innovating for the future through best-in-class systems, apps and knowledge sharing. Development is the commitment to every individual as well as the team as a whole, to encourage progress, retention and growth. In the development pillar, the podacademy has just launched. This is a bespoke learning