Issue 11 2022 Helping Global Pharma Clients Win the Battle for Talent and Creating a Company-Wide Culture of High Performance KCStrengthsHUB is a leading talent strategy and engagement company that maintains a focused portfolio of clients in the global pharma industry. Benefitting from a wealth of knowledge and industry experience, the companyhasacquirednumerousawardsandtitlesover theyears,witheach recognising itsdedicatedservices.
Welcome to the November issue of Corporate Vision Magazine. A monthly publication dedicated to delivering the latest insight and news from across the corporate landscape. This past month has seen significant business growth and astonishing movements sweeping across many leading industries. Altering the way we see business, these companies are focused, driven, and delivering on all levels. From consultancy to real estate, life coaching to environmental technology, and much more, this month we are showcasing some trailblazers in their sectors. Not only are they making waves within said sectors, but they are ensuring brilliance for generations to come. Here we would like to explore how they are doing it to gain insight, motivation, and inspiration across the board. A fine example of this is multi-award-winning KCStrengthsHUB, as it wins Best Pharma Talent Strategy & Engagement Specialist – 2022. As a talent strategy and engagement expert, the entire company benefits the pharmaceutical industry by offering its professionalism, focus, and ability to cultivate an atmosphere of growth. This results in better quality of life for people everywhere, as the global pharmaceutical industry continues to invent better medicine for the masses. The team at Corporate Vision wish you a very successful and happy month ahead, and we hope you enjoy this issue. We’ll see you soon. Sofi Bajor, Editor Website: AI Global Media, Ltd. (AI) takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the information on this web site. However, AI will not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information that is available through this web site. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. The information available through the website and our partner publications is for your general information and use and is not intended to address any particular finance or investment requirements. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us or any of our partner publications and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making or refraining from making any investment or financial decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named in the site is at your sole risk and responsibility. Editorial Team Sif Brookes, Senior Editor | Sofi Bajor, Editor Daniel Long, Senior Writer | Rebecca Scotland, Senior Writer Gabriel Muers, Writer | AmeliaWalker, Writer | Dontae Jones, Writer Design Team Daniela Levinte, Graphic Designer Lauren Baldwin, Graphic Designer
Issue 11 2022 3 Contents 4. News 6. KCStrengthsHUB: Changing the Way Businesses Operate 8. The Coaching Masters: Unlocking Potential 9. HIRSCHTEC GMBH & CO. KG: Leading the Way in Digital Workplaces 10. by Dontae Jones: Investment Never Substitutes Creativity 12. We Don’t Have Time: Most Innovative Environmental Technology Startup - 2022 13. Grey-Smith Legal: Most Efficient Residential & Commercial Conveyancing Company – North East England 14. Kolpa Van Der Hoek: Most Trusted Real Estate Agency – Netherlands 16. UKpathway Consultancy: Best Overseas Education Consultancy – China 17. Winners’ Listings
4 Shieldpay Announces Partnership with to Further Support B2B Transactions for Payments Industry Collaboration between the two payment-innovation focused platforms to offer both straightthrough processing and a contingent payments flow is a market-first Shieldpay, the market leading fintech solving complex B2B payments, has today announced its partnership with, the global payments platform, to support customers that need more than just straightthrough-processing. This partnership will allow Checkout. com to leverage Shieldpay’s unique payment engine and digital escrow capabilities to address the payment challenges customers are facing around security, trust and transparency in high value transactions online. Shieldpay’s digital escrow offering will allow customers to hold funds in safeguarded accounts (which are PSR, Art. 23 compliant) until both buyer and seller are satisfied that the conditions of the transaction have been met. Monies are then paid out of the account to verified merchants or the marketplace customers. In addition to this, Shieldpay is also able to help marketplaces disburse funds to submerchants where needed – previously a challenge in the process. and Shieldpay have been collaborating over the past 12 months to service online marketplace customers and emerging fintech companies to manage complex payments. Together, they provide the payment flow for KodyPay, a fastgrowing in-person digital payment acceptance company. act as the acquirer, provide a payment gateway facility to accept payments in, and Shieldpay support with seller verification and disbursement. The collaboration of these payments companies enable fast, safe and trustworthy transactions between merchants and customers. Following the initial successes of their offering to clients, such as KodyPay, the payments companies have now formally partnered. Going forward, and Shieldpay will jointly support the payments needs of high value, B2B marketplaces and professional services industries with the view to expand across their customer bases. Today’s announcement marks the start of a shared mission to empower online trade through reducing the key transactional risks to both buyers and sellers, in a bid to move the digital payments industry forward. Daniel Dunne, Head of Partnerships at Shieldpay commented: “We’re thrilled to formally announce our partnership with We are both on a similar mission as payments innovators and the services that our platforms offer to the market work in perfect harmony. With these key drivers aligned, we are looking forward to the future of this partnership and growing together, and we are now envisioning new opportunities to further collaborate.” Miyesa Hussain, Strategic Partnerships at commented “Together with Shieldpay, we’re bringing our merchants even more value and flexibility for their B2B transactions. Shieldpay’s digital escrow technology is truly innovative and further enhances the payout process for our customers. We’re excited to see where this partnership takes us.”
Issue 11 2022 5 News Majority of Workers Do Not Receive Any Training at Work, New Study Shows • The majority (66%) of employees aren’t provided with any training or opportunities for progression in their current role. • Over a quarter (27%) of the nation’s office workers admitted that they would leave their current role if offered a better position or salary, a new survey reveals. • The Lunch and Learn Survey, from Just Eat for Business, asked the nation’s employees about their career outlook, and how undervalued they feel at work. • The aspects that office workers would be most encouraged to leave for are a better salary (29%), an improved work-life balance (24%) and more seniority (16%). 66% of office workers in the UK don’t feel they’re given enough opportunities to progress in their current position. 1 in 4 (27%) office workers would also leave their current position if offered better opportunities for progression elsewhere, such as salary or seniority, a new nationwide survey reveals. The Lunch and Learn Survey, from Just Eat for Business, asked the nation’s employees about their career outlook and aspirations, including how many opportunities for progression they’ve been given in their current role, and how they feel about job satisfaction overall. For a quarter of those surveyed, a role that offered a better salary, increased responsibilities or a more advanced position would turn their head, as progression is a priority for them. This is unsurprising given that for many employees, the pandemic highlighted the aspects of their working life that they’d like to improve, including work-life balance, salary, position, commuting time, personal development and career outlook, to name a few. For those who would leave their current position, the most tempting factor came out as a better salary (29%), as well as improved work-life balance (24%) and more seniority (16%). Salary is a key sticking point for many, with the survey also revealing that almost a third (29%) feel their wage isn’t representative of their skill level, and that they’re undervalued.Not only is career progression beneficial when it comes to salary or seniority - it’s also linked to greater job satisfaction, boosted productivity, heightened drive and increased confidence. As well as improving individual career outlook, progression and fostering opportunities for growth can benefit a company on the whole, as employees are more motivated to excel when clear incentives are available, and when career advancement is at the forefront. Tom Baxter, Account Management Director at Just Eat for Business at Just Eat for Business, commented on the findings: “Career progression is an increasingly important aspect of work life for employees, particularly given the recent discussions around cost of living and people desiring a better work-life balance overall. “Progression doesn’t always mean salary increases or promotions - the survey shows employees are just as keen to build upon their existing knowledge and enhance skills. Scheduling regular training, such as Lunch and Learns or catered workshops, is a great way to promote career development and increase employee interaction on a weekly basis.” Other results detailed in the survey include whether workers feel supported by their partner or employer when it comes to progression, and what type of training they most often receive.
Helping Global Pharma Clients Win the Battle for Talent and Creating a Company-Wide Culture of High Performance KCStrengthsHUB is a leading talent strategy and engagement company that maintains a focused portfolio of clients in the global pharma industry. Benefitting from a wealth of knowledge and industry experience, the company has acquired numerous awards and titles over the years, with each recognising its dedicated services. Adding Best Pharma Talent Strategy & Engagement Specialist – 2022 to its collection, KCStrengthsHUB is set to have a hugely successful 2023, especially after gaining multiple talented staff members over the past year or so. KCStrengthsHUB partners, globally, with its Pharmaceutical Clients and its key strategic partners. Gallup, the world’s number one researchbased global performance-management consulting company, and e2Grow, a digital enabling platform company. KCStrengthsHUB Purpose is clear. To inspire Organisational Change & Greater Wellbeing by delivering impactful CliftonStrengths based workplace solutions that create a more Engaging Pharmaceutical workplace, enables Global Pharmaceutical companies to bring a consistent stream of innovative medicines that solve unmet medical needs that have a significant impact on people’s lives, quicker. And aligns with company’s greater mission – to be the chosen, nonGallup, provider of CliftonStrengths® solutions to the Global Pharma workplace. KCStrengthsHUB is a licensed partner of Gallup and e2Grow but is entirely independent. The Independent Limited company benefits greatly from such partnerships, utilising them to facilitate mutual learning and growth. KCStrengthsHUB is a leader in cultivating workplaces that truly engage with their employees, in turn, boosting output and performance. Moreover, the company is a provider of The CliftonStrengths® assessment training and organisational development, and the founder, Keith Webster, is an Advanced Gallup Certified StrengthsFinder ® Coach. The company’s overarching vision is to co-create inspiring workplace cultures that maximize the potential and wellbeing of every employee in the global pharmaceutical industry. Through the Team Performance Accelerator (TPA)-Method™ KCStrengthsHUB creates and implements impactful workplace solutions, which enables its clients to have a world class employee experience. The KCStrengthsHUB has a proven strategy that aids businesses to develop its people, retain its talent and accelerate the formation of its teams. KCStrengthsHUB programs create a safe space which enables its clients employees experience a greater sense of belonging, with their employers. In essence, KCStrengthsHUB builds better workplaces. Additionally, it works to coaches businesses leaders and managers to practically apply the best engagement practices to business outcomes, how to create thriving workplace where employees want to show up, work hard, and stay. KCStrengthsHUB practices continue to drive efficiencies and effectiveness in organisations, which drive productivity and bring Joy to work. Its passion is to inspire organisational change and greater wellbeing by delivering workplace solutions that drive performance through a more engaging workplace. It’s working towards fulfilling this mission through a set of core values. First and foremost, it is imperative that KCStrengthsHUB builds a sufficient level of trust and honesty, both with its clients and amongst its team. This then goes handin-hand with integrity and honour, as when working with clients, it is important that the company conducts itself in a transparent and respectful manner. Positivity, Courage, and Loyalty are the final values that guide the company, helping it navigate through challenges and uncertain situations. Of course, these all dictate how the company interacts with its clients, of which there are many. KCStrengthsHUB boasts a diverse portfolio, filled with names across a variety of industries, including gold mining, technology, finance. However, whilst the company primarily takes an agnostic approach, its core client and market base stems from the global pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Attracting Country Leaders, Commercial Leaders, Managers, and Senior Marketing Directors, the company takes an indiscriminate view when taking on clients. It is simply focused on its mission for the Global Workplace. None of this would be possible without its team – including the founder and current director, Keith Webster. He keeps a compelling vision that’s complemented by strong values and a deep respect for people, in turn, this has spawned a great atmosphere in the company. Webster states that he views his role as the ‘“gardener” helping my people grow, by liberating them to be their true selves and trust that they do the best job.’ As a result, the KCStrengthsHUB team acts as one, serving as an example for how it wants its clients’ teams to behave. This has been a great benefit within an industry that is constantly evolving. Nothing is stagnant. Henceforth, it is necessary for the company to have this level of teamwork in order to evolve in an efficient and streamlined manner. By communicating in an aligned language, the company establishes an environment that thrives on sharing information, support, and teamwork. In turn, this has guaranteed longevity for KCStrengthsHUB, as communication is the cornerstone of every successful business.
Issue 11 2022 7 Additional Client benefits, from this transition, include maintaining their employees’ wellbeing at a higher level. In turn, this began to strengthen the clients’ teams’ resilience – a change which was recognised throughout numerous management positions. This has been a great advantage as these companies walk through immense overhauls. Companies are having to change their mindsets, marketing and engagement techniques, and their internal structures. Overall, the future is set to be exceptionally bright for the company. 2022 was a year filled with abundance and success, with multiple awards coming into its possession, Keith being recognised by Finance Monthly Global Awards 2021 as Executive Coach of the Year and the company was recognised as one of the 50 Fastest Growing Companies of the Year 2022. In addition, KCStrengthsHUB now employs seven coaches that deliver programs around the world. Contact: Keith Webster Company: KCStrengthsHUB Web Address:
promises ahead, this new way of working has gained incredible success. Since first opening its doors, The Coaching Masters has stood apart thanks to its incredible commitment to success. This has been achieved, in no small part, thanks to its community and to a professional outlook that drives growth in many different aspects. Working online has led to the development of an exciting app called CoachApp. This allows both trainers and trainees to connect with each other. CoachApp is immensely flexible, allowing users to grow their knowledge through various options. For those who are hunting for the spark of an in-person meeting, CoachApp also provides opportunities for people to connect offline. When you turn to the team from The Coaching Masters, you turn to a team which proudly and confidently knows how to give you the resources to transform yourself into the person you’ve always wanted to become. The Coaching Masters believe in providing a venue for freedom in everything it does, leveraging your passions to inspire change in others. Its success in the Education and Training Awards, where they were named Best Online International Life Coaching Training Platform – UK is well worth celebrating. Company: The Coaching Masters Email: [email protected] Aug22260 Unlocking Potential Coaching is an immensely powerful tool, providing a way for people to grow and develop both professionally and personally. Needless to say, every mentor is different, and so is every mentee. The team at The Coaching Masters offers its clients a path to freedom through effective partnering. In Corporate Vision’s Education and Training Awards 2022, the team was named Best Online International Life Coaching Training Platform – UK. We look again to uncover more. Why do people go into coaching? Growth and development are such important parts of our lives, opening up new opportunities for us to live the way we have always wanted to. Coaching is a key part of that, allowing people to build their skills and knowledge from those who have gone before. The Coaching Masters takes this to the next level, training its clients to run a business they can be proud of. By turning to this talented team, you can be assured that you’ll receive all of the support you’ll need not only to run a business but to support the next generation of coaches to replicate your success. For more than 5,000 people in 96 countries, The Coaching Masters has provided a platform on which they can earn a living. It has given them the freedom to thrive and flourish in multiple avenues of work, safe in the knowledge that they are doing good in the world. By working smarter, it’s easy to see how a community that is over 3,700 strong has been able to form. Since opening their doors, The Coaching Masters have achieved a company valuation of over $25m. Life as an online coach is immensely rewarding, which is why so many people have turned to this fascinating revenue stream. Whilst a considerable investment, there are some who have managed to pay off the initial costs of training to be a coach within four months! With such
Issue 11 2022 9 We adapt it to each customer’s specific requirements. Over the last 4 years, our project success rate has been 100%.” With businesses having to manage leaner budgets, Lutz has found there’s less money to invest in infrastructure. To get the most out of the money that is available, the company has developed HIRSCHTEC Analytics. This allows each company to have a compelling rationale for investment in its internal digital communication and collaboration platforms. Many businesses are facing difficulties attracting new talent. Offering a modern working environment is essential to success. Potential employees today expect more flexibility, engagement and participation opportunities that social intranets and digital workplaces are able to provide. Leading by example, HIRSCHTEC implements many of these strategies in its own workplace. Lutz tells us, “We characterise our internal culture by transparency. This not only means that our words and actions match, but also that we’re active in sharing information and knowledge. It’s important for us to take our employees’ needs into account. We offer them as much flexibility as possible and always work to find the best solutions together. That’s why we established a hybrid working model with our employees. It’s essential to offer to employees the possibility to take part in the company’s activities. Digital workplaces allow that to happen.” Always looking to stay ahead of new developments, HIRSCHTEC monitors and analyses a whole host of data. This includes requests from customers and employee feedback. Looking to the future, the company plans to continue with its expansion. And, from a technical standpoint, it will focus on automation and making its tools even simpler to use. Contact: Lutz Hirsch Company: HIRSCHTEC GMBH & CO. KG Web Address: Sep22149 Leading the Way in Digital Workplaces Owner-managed agency, HIRSCHTEC, is our Best IT Consultancy (Germany). The company, which has offices in Hamburg, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Vienna, and Zurich, has been helping businesses transition to digital workplaces since 2005. With over 600 successful projects to its name and its sights set on global expansion, it’s only a matter of time before you work with a HIRSCHTEC Digital Workplace. When Lutz Hirsch founded HIRSCHTEC it was with one mission in mind – to optimise the changing digital world in the interests of businesses and their people. Since then the company has been working with clients to increase the digital ‘fitness’ of their organisations. In the last 5 years, HIRSCHTEC has rolled out over 300 successful solutions. Customer recommendation is at an impressive 97%. Lutz tells us, “We want to find the right digital workplace solution for every company. Our 120 experts have a broad knowledge of various specialist areas and many years of experience. We support clients of all sizes and from all sectors.” HIRSCHTEC advice is completely vendor independent. The company’s software portfolio includes over 20 manufacturers. The majority of which have been HIRSCHTEC partners for many years. Clients are able to take advantage of a platform that is ready to use. Businesses select the software, knowing that HIRSCHTEC’s comprehensive service can provide them with all the help they need for deployment and beyond. With consulting, strategy development, conception, realisation, and hosting, nothing is left to chance. HIRSCHTEC even offers assistance with communication, change management, training, and organisational development. Lutz explains, “Our HIRSCHTEC methodology ensures an efficient, useroriented intranet and digital workplace. Intuitively usable, our service HIRSCHTEC Analytics offers an accessible evaluation of digital workplace use and precise suggestions for its optimisation.” Offering everything in one place saves one crucial element for many businesses – time. By using standard software, HIRSCHTEC is able to roll out projects up to 50% faster than those using bespoke software development. The average timescale for a completed project is anywhere from 6 to 12 months. Lutz tells us more about the process, “We’ll have a new basic platform ready in only a few months. It’s then developed in an agile manner.
Investment Never Substitutes Creativity Investment and business acumen do not directly correlate to success in a creative medium. No industry exhibits this greater than in video games, where fun and creativity are paramount, and it is a lesson few have had a harder time learning than Amazon. The company’s endeavours in video game development have been met with conflict and difficulty ever since Amazon Games’ entry into the PC and console game market. This piece will illuminate the precise reason why. Nowadays, you would have to travel a considerable distance to find people who have never encountered the Amazon brand—standing tall as a giant of the industry and a household name. From books to groceries and pharmaceuticals, it is a massive corporation with many successful developments over the years. However, despite its prior successes, it has faced an especially tumultuous expansion into video game development for PC and video game consoles. Despite the money and time Amazon has put into this project, it only has two successful releases in its computer game portfolio; by all regards, Amazon Games – formerly Amazon Game Studio – has had a challenging decade. From delays and layoffs to outright cancellations of projects, the megacorporation has unfortunately had a swathe of public and expensive difficulties breaking into this new market. Picture this, it’s 2012, and Amazon has taken a bold step forward in its launching of the Facebook game Living Science. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, is personally overseeing this exciting new arm of the company, Amazon Games Studio, and its mission is to break into the computer game market as the next big player. It announces these intentions officially in 2014 and then reveals it has three ambitious videogame projects in development just two years later. That dream has yet to be realised, with the state of many of its releases speaking to an endeavour that is still struggling to find its foothold. Particularly damning examples include the game Crucible, a shooting game inspired by the colourful and popular Overwatch, and an adaptation of the Amazon Prime show The Grand Tour. Both games received scathing audience reviews, were pulled from storefronts amidst the controversy, and were summarily cancelled. The whys are numerous and exhaustive, but the core of it stems from the leadership team’s initial ignorance of the industry and a lack of direction as a result. The studio’s former head, Mike Frazzini – in conjunction with former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos – did all the right things to set the company up for success. Amazon Games gathered renowned industry talent – including Kim Swift of the award-winning game Portal and Clint Hocking of Far Cry 2 – with a good mix of developers working on well-established titles to fresh and eager talent. Mike even had the co-founder of huge gaming studio 2K Games, Christoph Hartmann, as his vice-president from 2018, and yet the studio found itself in a troubled state. This information can be challenging to process as an outsider looking in as, on paper, this may seem like the perfect setup. Industry leaders know what they’re doing and a tidy mix of passionate and experienced team members working on projects with Amazon’s sizeable capital at its back. But all of that is nothing without proper direction. The story of mega-successful games like Five Nights at Freddy’s and Undertale are well known within the videogame industry. Miniscule – often being one person – teams on shoestring budgets who create genre and industry-defining titles. These titles were built from clear design decisions, a strong passion for what the developers were making, and an extremely focused development cycle. All these factors then meld together to manifest a title that spawns a franchise and colossal success. The issue that Amazon Games has struggled with is its desire to reach that final stage, colossal success, whilst lacking the core building blocks that manifest it. This is made clear by how Mike Frazzini stated that he wanted the studio to pursue projects like Minecraft, The Walking Dead, and The Room. Highlighted here is a fundamental misunderstanding of the industry and a lack of definitive focus or direction within its studio. Though this may seem odd to state, as Mike’s vision may seem quite clear on the surface with what he and his team are pursuing, a look at what precisely those three games are will illuminate the issue. Minecraft is one of the single most popular video games in human history. It is a game entirely focused on creativity and the ability for a player to have free reign of the game’s world to make their own fun. In sharp contrast, the Walking Dead is a linear, episodic story game with strong character-based stories where players choose dialogue options and solve minor puzzles or situations between long stints of characters talking to one another. Meanwhile, the Room is a three-dimensional, single-player puzzle game. It was initially designed and released for the Apple App store, taking advantage of the unique makeup of a mobile phone in its gameplay. Each game has its imitators, people and studios who have seen the lightning in the bottle and are looking to catch that success. That success is the only common strand between the three of them and is precisely what Mike was chasing. The Room sold a staggering 6.5 million copies, spawned four additional games and was popular enough that it was later redesigned to be released on PC and games consoles. The Walking Dead sold 8.5 million copies in just 2013 – with an estimated $40 million in revenue at the time and was accompanied by three sequels and a spin-off title. Then there’s Minecraft, a game that requires no introduction as one of the most successful videogames ever created, the source of a media empire that comprises multiple spin-offs, merchandise, and so much more that Microsoft was willing to spend $2.5 billion for. Mike, and his executive team, were – albeit understandably – chasing billion dollar successes. However, the studio heads focussed too heavily on success without a proper understanding of how to get there, which is precisely why the studio has struggled for so long. Encapsulated poignantly when Mark stated that the company planned, by Dontae Jones
Issue 11 2022 11 “…to make games that resonate with a huge audience of players”, Again, this sounds excellent and profitable on paper, but a mass appeal is a challenging goal to achieve. He made this statement ahead of the publication of the much-maligned game Crucible, a game that videogame publication IGN described as, “…like a monster assembled from dismembered design ideas from the world of e-sports” in its video review of the game, with the consensus of the public being condemnation of its derivative nature. Perfectly highlighting the inherent problem Amazon Games faced and must continue to address. No amount of business acumen will ever substitute for creativity. No figure in investment will equal a project that consumers find fun or engaging. You cannot pluck ideas and concepts from something already popular, compile them together and create a product that will print money in creative media, especially video games. This is a lesson that Amazon Games has had to learn the hard way. But learn they have! With the appointment of Christoph Hartmann in 2018, there seemed to be a shift in how things are done. His experience in the industry led to immediate and sweeping changes – including the company’s adoption of third-party development software instead of its proprietary one. Since then, the studio has faced further delays, project cancellations and has said goodbye to members of the team – including Mike Frazzini in early 2022. Fortunately, these struggles have manifested in successes; the launches of its games New World and Lost Ark were met with resounding critical and commercial success, the former very much attributed to the care taken in its development – which includes its multiple delays until it was ready. Vast capital and a well-established brand are boons that can elevate a fledgling project, but neither will provide any guarantee of success in a medium like video games. Small projects can spawn fortunes, whilst expensive endeavours just as quickly take their studios down with them. Video games are born of creativity and live and die on their ability to provide fun; with both being such nebulous and subjective concepts, it’s no wonder that many business-minded executives struggle to understand the industry as a whole. Though Amazon Games has seemingly found its footing with New Worlds and Lost Ark, its decade-long journey – and cancelled projects in the interim – should stand as a cautionary tale for any looking to expand into the industry or any industry where audience engagement is paramount. You can have all the right ingredients and bottomless funds for investment, but that is no substitute for creativity – nor will it guarantee success – as it takes a creative mind to manage creativity effectively. Written by Dontae Jones - Company: Amazon Games Web Address:
Jun22075 Most Innovative Environmental Technology Startup - 2022 Company: WeDon’t Have Time Name: Ingmar Rentzhog Email: [email protected] WebAddress:
Issue 11 2022 13 Aug22605 Most Efficient Residential & Commercial Conveyancing Company – North East England Conveyancing is the transferral of a legal title or property from one person to another – for processes such as mortgages, wills, or other legal matters within the same vein. Conveyancing must be done with competence on all levels and with all rights in mind. Here we introduce Grey-Smith Legal – and we would like to celebrate its work as it is bestowed with this prestigious accolade. Based in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Grey-Smith Legal offers impeccable momentum and productivity to residential and commercial conveyancing – to a level that is unrivalled in the North East of England. With 20+ years of experience in residential property and legal services, Grey-Smith Legal has a wealth of knowledge and experience under its belt – and it shows. Grey-Smith Legal is completely transparent with all of its clients, so that they can make an informed and final decision when going forward with their legal matters. By being up front about its fees and services, it can offer peace of mind and a stress free journey throughout the legal processes that it covers. It is sturdy in the knowledge that it can provide excellence for all of its clients, and does so effortlessly – and with a compassionate attitude. Making clients aware of all steps and stages, Grey-Smith Legal has nothing to hide and no hidden costs that could catch a client off guard down the line. Keeping its prices fair and its fire fuelled, Grey-Smith Legal can offer its services to everyone in need. It works with people of all ages and requirements, and does everything it can to walk people through situations that may be emotionally charged or seemingly complex. It is its honesty and integrity that keeps Grey-Smith Legal on top of the market. With the help of Grey-Smith Legal, each client can feel heard, understood, and supported throughout their legal matters. Working across areas in England and Wales, Grey-Smith Legal finds passion, dedication, and expertise at its very core. Its services include residential and commercial property conveyancing, landlord and tenant matters, will making and amendments, and lasting power of attorney support. Offering its professional and warm services within residential and commercial conveyancing, Grey-Smith Legal makes everything smooth and seamless for each of its clients. With its experience in sales, purchases, transfers of equity, re-mortgages, and equity release, Grey-Smith Legal has rich experience that helps it to build long-lasting relationships with people. All of this includes freehold and leasehold transactions, shared ownership purchases, new-build purchases, help to buy equity loans, help to buy/lifetime ISAs, and much more, Grey-Smith Legal aims to deal with everything in a professional and specialist way. Putting forth its intelligent solutions, Grey-Smith Legal deals with everything so that its clients don’t have to worry at all. Grey-Smith Legal understands that buying, selling, and financing property can induce stress, worry, and unease. It melts all of this away for its clients by taking the reigns and illuminating a path towards completion. The way that Grey-Smith Legal operates means that it cannot put a foot wrong, its skill and team of seasoned professionals have made it into what it is today – and we are proud to see it win this enviable award. Grey-Smith Legal has now won Most Efficient Residential & Commercial Conveyancing Company for the North East of England, and it will continue to provide the best service on the market. Contact: Jo Grey Company: Grey-Smith Legal Web Address:
Most Trusted Real Estate Agency – Netherlands Buying and selling a property can be a difficult time for any of us. With lots of steps to the process, it is understandable for people to get stressed and worried. No matter what your situation, where you live, or where you want to live, Kolpa Van Der Hoek has a steadfast solution for you. Here we take a closer look at its fine work as it wins this award. The real estate industry is an ever-evolving market that is sometimes shrouded by inconsistent communication and people who aren’t passionate about what they do. However, there are real estate agencies that truly go above and beyond to offer the best service in their areas. Knowing the market, and knowing their customers, these businesses work seamlessly, like clockwork or a well-oiled machine, to deliver topquality properties to people who need them. As knowledge is immensely important, businesses should all learn as much as they can about their industries as well as their target audience. Understanding what to find and what to offer can be no small feat however, we have found one real estate agency that is altering our perception of trustworthy, reliable, and fair real estate. Created in April 2020, Kolpa Van Der Hoek has become one to watch in the property market. Kolpa Van Der Hoek is a real estate agency, based in the Netherlands, that always provides the best properties for its customers from all around the areas it covers. Showcasing an impressive amount of properties, for great prices, Kolpa Van Der Hoek has been able to grow at an exponential rate. Kolpa Van Der Hoek was born from a merger of Kolpa Makelaars (1915) and Van der Hoek Makelaars (1960). It wholeheartedly believes that “knowledge is value”, and it does everything within its power to gain and share knowledge as a team and with its customers. It understands that there is a huge market of many real estate agencies in the Netherlands, and around the world, but it is shaking up the scene by keeping information and communication at the forefront. Affiliated with the NVM and RICS, it is highly regulated and intelligent – offering the best service to a wide variety of people of all ages and backgrounds, with different tastes and requirements. Its many certifications, including RICS and NRVT Groot Zakelijk, Kolpa Van Der Hoek has earned itself a spot at the top of the ladder. In collaboration and trust, Kolpa Van Der Hoek is a partner of many renowned parties, so as to deliver on time – every time. As an expert in real estate, Kolpa Van Der Hoek highly values experience and teamwork, integrity and consistency, and impeccable service for all. It works tirelessly to strengthen its customers, so that they can rest easy and feel understood. With free evaluation and free searches, Kolpa Van Der Hoek can offer its services with no strings attached and no hidden fees to shock or surprise its customers. This helps it to work with customers and secure their futures, their families futures, and support people throughout many generations. Offering its services on the same level to everyone, Kolpa Van Der Hoek doesn’t judge its customers on anything – whether it’s location, property, or budget. And it gives a special treatment to all, leaving no one out of the loop. This fair and excellent treatment of all customers has ensured a stable yet magnificent amount of development for itself and its team members. Each person working for Kolpa Van Der Hoek has the same passion in mind and heart; its team is made up of individuals looking to make a difference to the way people see and experience real estate. Because, after all, it comes down to where people will live and thrive. Not only do we find solace in its honesty and expert knowledge, but we see its experience as the key to its success – and our success in finding a place to do way more than simply exist. With Kolpa Van Der Hoek we can gain a safe space to live, discover, love, and flourish. Nurturing us as we go through the process of rental, mortgaging, or selling, Kolpa Van Der Hoek wields the power to completely meet our needs and wishes. Kolpa Van Der Hoek sees all of our requirements and ensures that there’s nothing we are missing when looking to buy, rent, or sell. This means that we can be fully open with it regarding what we would like. Completely illuminating every factor, and staying honest and transparent, Kolpa Van Der Hoek delivers property solutions. Kolpa Van Der Hoek believes that we shouldn’t have to compromise on what will make us feel good. Which is exactly why it not only does what it does, but why it has won this award from Corporate Vision this year. It also boasts awards from 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022 in the FD Gazellen Awards. It was also nominated in four categories in the Housing Broker of the Year election, and we know exactly why – it nourishes its customers and, instead of doing business just to reap the rewards, it does everything to benefit the customers that reach out to it. Putting so much effort into everything that it does, Kolpa Van Der Hoek has come a long way to deep rooted success. Nothing can stop it now as it continues to collect accolades and pushes on to assist even more individuals as they search for ways to get onto the market. Now that it has won Most Trusted Real Estate Agency – Netherlands, Kolpa Van Der Hoek will gain even more recognition for its dependable work. Congratulations and good luck for the future. Contact: Sebastiaan van der Velden Company: Kolpa Van Der Hoek Web Address:
Issue 11 2022 15
Sep22193 Best Overseas Education Consultancy – China Studying abroad is the first step to becoming employed abroad – and if that’s something you dream of, there are companies out there that will guarantee success. Businesses such as UKpathway Consultancy ensures its students find the best courses, the best universities, and the best pathways to accomplishment. Here we would like to explore more of its work as it wins this award. Lots of individuals are looking for ways to start studying and working abroad but they are completely overwhelmed by options and obstacles in their home countries. Perhaps they don’t know where they want to study, and perhaps they don’t believe that it is possible to live out their dreams. Founded in 2009, in Birmingham, West Midlands, UKpathway English Avenue Consulting Group covers English-teaching countries such as the UK, USA, Australia, and Hong Kong. Since 2009, UKpathway has already aided thousands of individuals with achieving their desires and, with its extensive knowledge and experience, it will go on to help thousands more. Partnered with Hangzhou Avenue Education Technology Co., Ltd., it offers Chinese people a huge range of services for their study abroad applications, academic hearing guidance, academic appeal, study abroad training, and job search planning. This partnership ensures a bright and straightforward future for people all across China. As UKpathway continues changing lives and it always looks for new ways to innovate the industry. Its Education Agency qualification, issued by the British Council, the UCAS Overseas Admissions Qualification, the British Minor Protection Centre Security Certification, and the UK Home Office Overseas Immigration Sponsorship Qualification all push it forward every day. Another way it propels itself forward is through its excellent relationship building with each individual – making sure to work with them from the very beginning, right through to the point they feel independent enough to go it alone. Its team is resilient, strong, and respectful so that they can all guarantee the best services to people looking to make their goals a reality. This has resulted in a near perfect rating of 98% satisfaction across the board. The team is highly committed to giving people top-quality solutions coupled with excellent, heartfelt customer service that will not only make a good impression, but allow people to embark on a journey that will, ultimately, change their lives for the better. The solutions offered are deeply rooted in experience and intelligence and, for UKpathway, its mission is to provide firstclass answers and avenues to individuals so that they can have peace of mind. As Best Overseas Education Consultancy, China, UKpathway is changing up the pace of the industry so that people can gain more opportunities to grow whilst feeling completely supported and understood. This is truly “Where Dreams Begin”, and we are sure to see UKpathway Consultancy aid more people throughout their endeavours. Contact: Elaine Wang Company: UKpathway Consultancy Web Address:
Winners’ Listings 2022 Corporate Excellence Awards Corporate Vision Magazine celebrates this month’s recipients in the 2022 Corporate Excellence Awards, the companies & individuals who are committed to innovation, business growth and provide the very best products and services in key industries worldwide. FTAI Aviation Joanna Ksiazek Best Aircraft Engines Supplier - USA FTAI Aviation is a global, industry-leading aerospace company that has built a portfolio of nearly $2B worth of aviation leasing equipment and aerospace inventory. Our suite of complimentary products focusing on the CFM56-5B and -7B engines enables FTAI to offer tailored solutions for the most burdensome aspect of aircraft operations – engine maintenance. These events are costly, time-consuming, and complex, but FTAI provides the most cohesive suite of options when it comes to performing them. Itk Marie-Laure Biscaye Most Sustainable Agri-Intelligence Innovation Company 2022 - Europe Deeper Insights Jack Hampson AI & Data Science Consultants of the Year - UK Master the Talk Consulting Yuri Kruman Career Coaching Specialists of the Year - New York Over the last decade, we have coached more than 2000 Fortune 500 and tech startup execs of all levels on leadership, communication, career progression and professional development. Radix Technologies Ltd Michael Shoham Most Innovative Device Management Solutions Provider 2022 - Israel Hipstr Photo Booth Mike McIntosh Best Photo & Video Activation Company - USA Blue Atlas Marketing Nate Stockard Web Design Company of the Year - Texas “We help Create New Leads and Drive New Business With Lead Generation Focused Website Development and Full‑Service Digital Marketing Strategies” ImmuCell Corp. Michael Brigham Best Entrepreneurial Animal Health Company - USA TAG Aviation Elaine Turner Best Aircraft Management & Charter Company 2022 - Europe Orbotic Systems Inc Erik Long Best Space Debris Remediation Specialists - USA
Winners’ Listings 2022 Corporate Excellence Awards Corporate Vision Magazine celebrates this month’s recipients in the 2022 Corporate Excellence Awards, the companies & individuals who are committed to innovation, business growth and provide the very best products and services in key industries worldwide. Xicato Inc Leading Innovators in LED Lighting Technology 2022 Xicato’s Bluetooth lighting controls are installed in a wide range of locations and are integrated with a range of luminaires and building management systems. Today they are delivering cost savings from installation through operation and providing scene-setting capabilities that are second to none. Equity & Help, Inc. Jaime Gomez Real Estate Investment Company of the Year - USA Helbig Enterprises Diane Helbig Best Business & Leadership Development Advisor 2022 - Ohio Small business owners & leaders hire Diane to help them create strategies that work. Her superpower is being a pragmatic possibilities thinker. With Diane’s guidance professionals decide on goals, create an action plan, and implement that plan. Diane is the author of Succeed Without Selling and host of Accelerate Your Business Growth podcast. Diane is a member of the Newsweek Expert Forum, and a member of the NAWBO Cleveland Board of Directors. Factris Holding B.V. SME Financing Specialists of the Year - Europe Factris’ mission is to empower SMEs through financial technology with personalised guidance. We finance unpaid invoices to unlock the cash flow businesses need to expand. Since 2017, Factris has chosen to do things differently. We’ve made financing more accessible by opening doors to funding opportunities for countless SMEs. 2023 Corporate Excellence Awards
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