Contents 4. Humanize Digital Media Group: Best Social Media Agency - Middle East 8. Sudan Digital: Best Marketing Strategy Solutions Agency – MENA 9. Funnel Boost Ltd: Best Lead Generation Services Provider - UK 10. The Crouch Group, Inc: Most Trusted Digital Marketing Agency - Texas 11. DWH Design Limited: Best Digital Brand Development Agency – Midlands 12. Fully Promoted of St Charles: Best Global Branding & Marketing Specialists - Illinois 13. AXAD Capital: Best Performance Marketing Agency - USA 14. KPI Media: Performance Marketing Agency of the Year - Singapore 15. Door No. 3 Design, Inc: Most Creative Print Design Solutions - Maryland 16. Fab Brands: Best Marketing & Visual Design Agency - Pacific Northwest 17. SPLICE Software: Best Customer Service Automation Software Specialists 2022 & Most Innovative Virtual Line Management Tool 2022 - SPLICE FastPass 19. Desarrollo Web Total: Most Trusted Web Development Agency - Spain 20. IDEAS Marketing Solutions: Best Strategy & Branding Agency - Sydney