2019 Technology Innovator Awards

, Leading Innovators in Health Neurotechnology 2019 & Best Sleep Aid Technology Solution 2019: URGOnight by URGOTECH Apr19268 URGOTECH, the start-up armof the French groupUrgo, partners with some of the best neuroscientists, researchers and doctors to create cutting-edge solutions that combine wellness with innovation. To celebrate the firm’s success in this year’s Technology Innovation Awards we profile it and share an insight into the secrets behind the success of one of its recent developments, URGOnight. “Created in collaboration with some of the best healthcare and sleep experts on the market, URGOnight is more than just a monitor, it is a tool designed to help users understand and change their sleep patterns.” been soft-launched in 2019 and will be available to buy for clients around the world later in 2020. Although the technology already exists in sleep centers the firm has miniaturized it, making it available to the public. URGOTECH is confident that its potential to enhance a user’s wellness will drive users to select this innovative technology to help them improve their sleep. After all, it is truly unique to the market thanks to its innovative functions. Created in collaboration with some of the best healthcare and sleep experts on the market, URGOnight is more than just a monitor, it is a tool designed to help users understand and change their sleep patterns. Since its inception in 2015 URGOTECH has been imagining, developing and marketing innovative solutions. Collaborating with a range of health professionals, the firm has already created some solutions including stress relief applications. Through these partnerships with healthcare experts URGOTECH designs effective products and realizes the solutions that will improve the quality of life of their patients. Among the firm’s recent new developments is its URGOnight solution, which aims to help users to not only achieve better sleep but train themselves to ensure that they make a permanent change to their approach to rest. Unique to the market, the firm’s solution URGOnight has a non- invasive headband that uses electroencephalography (EEG) technology to read the brainwaves of consumers. The headband’s technology is used by an accompanying smartphone app to create a “daytime brain training” programme that the firm claimed would deliver sleep improvement within three months. Developed in collaboration with neuroscientists and sleep experts, URGOnight’s EEG training programme required the users to complete three 20-minute brain training exercises through the app per week. The solution has Other science-based innovations developed by URGOTECH include the URGO Feel stress management and the URGO Mia pelvic floor training products. Looking to the future, URGOTECH is keen to bring URGOnight to the market and showcase its incredible functionality to a wide range of international clients. This development, as well as the further growth of the firm’s portfolio of technologies, will ensure that URGOTECH remains as a key player in the ever-growing health- tech market over the years ahead. Company: URGOTECH Contact: Carole-Anne Brugere Website: www.urgonight.com