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Estrategias Turísticas y Tecnológicas SC.

Most Innovative Tourism Focused Technology Company - Mexico

Technology Innovator Awards

Winner. Winner

Estrategias Turísticas y Tecnológicas SC

Most Innovative Tourism Focused Technology Company - Mexico

Con 25 años de vida es una empresa comprometida con el desarrollo del turismo en México, reconocida como una empresa altamente creativa, innovadora, socialmente responsable y promotora de la cultura mexicana, logran amalgamar el uso de la tecnología con la calidad humana, aportando una visión vanguardista hacia un turismo sostenible y sustentable. Sus fundadores los hermanos Verónica y Javier Chincoya comulgan con su slogan “Nadie Es Mejor Que Todos Juntos” priorizando en la empresa el desarrollo de las personas y su felicidad. Orgullosos de su historia empresarial son dignos representantes del fantástico Turismo Mexicano y pueden gritar “Viva México” With 25 years of life, it is a company committed to the development of tourism in Mexico, recognized as a highly creative, innovative, socially responsible company and promoter of Mexican culture, they manage to amalgamate the use of technology with human quality, providing a vision avant-garde towards a sustainable and sustainable tourism. Its founders the brothers Verónica and Javier Chincoya share their slogan "Nobody is Better Than Everyone Together" prioritizing the development of people and their happiness in the company. Proud of their corporate history, they are worthy representatives of the fantastic Mexican Tourism and can shout "Viva México"