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Ready with a Solution

AdviceRobo offers financials and their clients tools and technology to reduce financial stress. Recently, the firm found success in CV’s…

Ready with a Solution

22nd July 2019


AdviceRobo offers financials and their clients tools and technology to reduce financial stress. Recently, the firm found success in CV’s 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards where they were recognised as the Most Innovative AI-Driven Lending Solutions Provider 2019. Following this win, we profile the firm and caught up with co-founder and CEO, Diederick Van Thiel who provided us with a detailed glimpse into the innerworkings of the innovative company.


With billions of consumers and entrepreneurs who have no access to lending, AdviceRobo’s risk management takes a closer look at a borrower’s personality and behaviours, not just on credit histories. As a result, these additional data and risk scores support lenders in taking better risk decisions.

Since their inception, AdviceRobo has created countless software solutions which have been designed to help and support financial institutions to avoid financial risks. In addition to this, the firm’s proprietary Psychographic Credit Score turns customers behavioural non-financial data into highly predictive risk scores. Going into further detail, Diederick begins by informing us more about the services AdviceRobo offers to their clients, as well as how they have achieved great success within the areas in which they specialise within.

“Here at AdviceRobo, we work with an online questionnaire which is short, accurate and gives instant response via API. The solution is effortlessly scalable and standardised, and can be easily integrated into the on-boarding process.”
“Alongside this, through additional data and AI-backed algorithm, lenders have the ability to improve business performance by taking better informed credit decisions.”

Enabling the firm to deliver these award-winning services, is the experienced, inventive and dedicated team which forms the backbone of AdviceRobo. When discussing the internal culture, Diederick is keen to reveal the significant role the team play in the overall success of the firm.

“The achievements of a company depend on the people around, the balance, the combination and the interaction of different personalities. Motivating people to be an entrepreneur themselves, being inspirational and challenging the team to think and act out of the box makes me go beyond my happy graph. To organise and stimulate feedback from the team as well as customers, intrinsically listen to that and act on that is the key to success.”


Looking ahead to what the future holds for the firm, the team at AdviceRobo will continue to
provide an impeccable service to their clients, ensuring that they surpass their expectations, especially following their recent success in CV’s 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards where they were righteously awarded the accolade Most Innovative AI-Driven Lending Solutions Provider 2019. Bringing the interview to a close, Diederick signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for the firm, touching on AdviceRobo’s aim of further expanding the business in the upcoming year.

“Moving forward, our aim is to financially include every citizen on earth, equipping men and women to become better borrowers by preventing financial risks. To seriously increase global financial wellbeing, we believe that everyone should have access to capital. AdviceRobo uses new digital technologies to extend access to financial services. Both myself and the team at AdviceRobo are convinced that technology and the unlimited sources of data available today make the difference to achieve financial inclusion.”

“Ultimately, our main ambition is to accelerate our growth on a global scale. As such, we are focusing on further growth in Europe, Turkey, Japan and Latin America in 2019.”

Contact: Rosali Steenkamer

Company: AdviceRobo

Email: [email protected]

Web Address:

Categories: Articles, Tech

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