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4 Tips to Encourage Employees to Save for Retirement

If you happen to be a business owner, one of the employee issues and concerns that you need to be…

4 Tips to Encourage Employees to Save for Retirement

21st October 2021

Retirement Plan

If you happen to be a business owner, one of the employee issues and concerns that you need to be mindful of is their retirement plans. It is imperative to be practical in these uncertain times, so having an early savings mindset can help sustain their future. However, as much as you know its importance, some of your staff might not feel the same way.   

It might be a challenge to put away some funds for emergencies and as savings. But fortunately, there are different ideas to help employees start their savings journey as early as now. As the leader, it’s your responsibility to encourage and support your employees to make their future seem more secure. 

If you’re having a hard time pursuing your employees to save up, apply the following pointers:


1. Offer Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Options  

Many business owners fail to offer retirement plans because they believe they’re too small. They feel it’s mandatory to contribute to these savings and might not have the funds. However, that’s not the case. Although employer contributions are getting commonplace in larger business institutions, this is not entirely the only way to push your employees to save up.   

You can contact your company’s tax professional for advice on which plan is right for them. For instance, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are an effective method of saving some future funds. The following are some IRA options:

  • Gold IRA 

In a gold IRA, you invest in precious metals rather than stocks and bonds. In addition to gold, other precious metals like platinum and silver are also available investments. There are mutual funds that some companies offer for employees who want to opt for a gold IRA. These funds will be invested in bullion, gold stocks, or gold indexes in the market. Help your employees understand more of this IRA option by letting them visit this site:

  • Payroll Deduction IRA 

Payroll deduction IRAs are essentially similar to that of the standard personal IRAs. You can encourage your employees to participate by offering them the option of a payroll deduction. It’s like saving through automatic system options so they won’t feel the burden directly.   

You might prefer this option if you want a simpler saving model. The only downside is that this IRA comes with a contribution limit for people aged 50 years and above.   

  • Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRA 

You could also opt for the Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRA if you employ lesser workers in your business. However, this will require you to make some contribution along with your workers too. It is a great idea to reward your tenured and loyal employees.

2. Encourage and Educate Your Employees About Saving 

Bringing the attention of your employees towards workplace retirement plans might put them to savings. As most companies offer this workplace retirement plan, this is already a method for pressuring employees to save up. However, some employees might still don’t understand the purpose of such retirement saving funds. Hence, this next tip is about encouraging and educating your employees about the importance of savings.   

As the business owner, your responsibility to raise awareness of the importance of retirement plans among all your workforce is a challenge. Your employees need an ample amount of information on the importance of planning for their financial future. Increasing your employees’ financial literacy is a win-win strategy as it may also boost your business.

3. Pay Employees Sufficient Salaries and Provide Opportunities for Growth 

It’s critical to pay your employees a fair wage if you want them to save and secure their future. Aside from suitable salary ranges, you can provide promotional opportunities or career growth to step up and improve their earnings.   

Ensure that what you pay them is still adequate by regularly checking their salaries against inflation. You can also offer bonuses, commissions, or other financial motivators that can help increase productivity, boost employee morale, and encourage financial savings. As a result, they can have the reason to save for their retirement.

4. Motivate Employees to Increase Contributions 

An automated enrollment tool can improve participation rates, but the default rate is often too low to achieve meaningful results. As their employer, you can encourage them to increase contributions, at least little by little. Experts in the retirement industry predict employers should automatically enroll employees into retirement plans by setting savings rates no lower than six percent at the outset and then gradually raising them to at least 10% annually. Inform your employees about whatever retirement plan your company has established to maximize their contributions.    

A significant obstacle to preparing for retirement is a lack of information and knowledge. Hence, as mentioned above, it’s often a great idea to have financial advisors assist and advise employees about their retirement plans. Stress the importance of financial planning and consistently execute motivation and support in these areas.



In the workplace, organization’s leaders must stress how important it is to save for retirement, setting the expectation that those who have saved will retire comfortably. There are various ways to establish a call to action for your employees; it’s just a matter of motivating them and educating them more about the importance of saving for the future. Hopefully, you can apply some if not all of the tips enclosed in this article.  

Categories: Advice, Articles

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