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Canadian Energy Research Institute.

Most Trusted Energy Conservation Research Organization 2021

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Canadian Energy Research Institute

Most Trusted Energy Conservation Research Organization 2021

The Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI) was established in 1975 to conduct objective, transparent and relevant research regarding energy sector supply and demand development. Since its inception, CERI has developed a reputation as a credible and neutral source of energy information. Today, that need is even greater. Research from many sources is creating uncertainty regarding the challenges and opportunities facing energy sector development and how to balance economic opportunities with environmental protection. CERI's central goal is to bring the insights of scientific research, economic analysis, and practical experience to the attention of government policy-makers, business decision-makers, academia, media, and citizens. CERI's mandate includes building capacity in various stakeholder groups to aid in effective energy supply and demand management. CERI draws on recognized expertise to research domestic and international energy and environmental issues. CERI's research is independent.