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3 Business Tech Trends That Will Continue Post-Pandemic

Although the phrase “post-pandemic” is a bit premature, current events would lead you to believe that the end is near.…

3 Business Tech Trends That Will Continue Post-Pandemic

12th July 2021

Business tech

Although the phrase “post-pandemic” is a bit premature, current events would lead you to believe that the end is near. People are getting vaccinated against the coronavirus and the world is slowly starting to reopen. For businesses, these new developments mean making adjustments to accommodate their target audiences as they re-enter society. A large part of that encompasses enhancing the consumer experience. 

People are anxious to get out of the house and engage in everyday activities, from paying a visit to the bank or grocery store to shopping and eating out. However, underneath that excitement is also some fears and concerns about life after the pandemic. 

Essentially, providing a sense of relief, comfort, and convenience for your customers can help make this transition more manageable. Though there are several ways of improving the customer service experience, here are some effective tech solutions used during the pandemic that will likely remain for years to come.


Remote And Hybrid Work Schedules

Your employees play a significant role in customer experience. Whether they interact with consumers directly or indirectly, their skills and ability to perform their jobs effectively matter. When your employees feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or inconvenienced, it impedes their productivity levels. A worsened morale and poor output ultimately lead to dissatisfied customers. 

Businesses are using technology to improve customer experience by developing exclusively remote and hybrid positions for employees. Such options enable employees to select a convenient schedule for reduced exposure, better work-life balance, and improved emotional health. These positives ultimately manifest in their work and trickle down to your customers. 


Contactless Service And Payment

Though more people are getting vaccinated and the coronavirus threat is subsiding, there are still many fears. Consumers worry as they start engaging with others again that they increase their risk of contracting or spreading the virus. Not to mention, many people have grown accustomed to the modern conveniences afforded to them during the pandemic. 

Take contactless delivery, for example. Whether someone wanted to order takeout from a local restaurant or buy household products online, they could do so safely and conveniently. They could shop for things they want, make a payment, and have the merchandise dropped off at their front door. 

Brick-and-mortar establishments want to provide the same sense of security and convenience for their target audience. That’s why they’ve invested in technologies like touchless-ordering applications for an improved in-person experience. For instance, a family visiting a restaurant can place their order, request additional services, and make a payment in a matter of seconds. Wait staff can essentially focus on providing a positive experience as the platform streamlines processes and accommodate consumer needs more efficiently. 


Virtual Services

Not everyone is ready to get back into society, despite the improvements with the pandemic. There’s also a large group of consumers that enjoyed the convenience of receiving services in real-time. Businesses that chose to shift to eCommerce platforms and utilize digital tools to interact with their customers at the height of the pandemic can’t help but notice organizational and financial benefits. It enabled them to reach a wider audience and save on overhead costs.

Ultimately, eStores and virtual services will become a formal business practice. Brands will continue to push their products and services on their websites. Healthcare professionals, attorneys, and even real estate agents will continue to rely on video conferencing software, file-sharing apps, and other tools to treat patients, meet clients, show properties, and complete other transactions. 


The onset of the coronavirus pandemic was challenging for businesses. It forced them into survival mode as sales declined. Those that made it through those trying times were companies that thought outside of the box to implement new strategies to reach their target audiences. Although adjusting took some time, the integration of technology enabled them to enhance employee and consumer experience. These concepts kept everyone safe, improved productivity, and increased sales. As such, these tech trends will remain a staple in business operations post-pandemic and beyond. 

Categories: Articles, Tech

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